2016 marks a crucial year for Bartakke, for we made a significant stride towards reducing our carbon emissions and embracing renewable energy. We installed a 80 KW Solar Power generation plant in our fabrication unit. The electricity generated from this solar grid is sufficient to power all our manufacturing activities. The solar system installed at Bartakke is an Off Grid system or Stand Alone Power System (SAPS) i.e, the system is entirely self-sufficient and does not rely on external electrical infrastructure provided by the government or private companies.
"By installing 80 KW solar power generation system, we have saved 3200 tonnes of carbon emissions in the entire lifespan i.e, 25 years, of the system."
We believe that this project would help create awareness within the local community regarding the looming threat of climate change. We are confident that our company’s efforts to reduce our carbon footprint will inspire various other industrial units to embrace the use of renewable energy to power their operations. Bartakke’s step towards a greener and sustainable environment was recently commemorated by Tata Steel and Naresh Steel.